Parent Information
Marlin ISD embraces the belief that the educational process is successful only if parents are included as partners in the education of their children. Parents will receive information related to program objectives and activities, cultural events, and parent involvement meetings. MISD shall make every effort to ensure that bilingual personnel are available on each school campus to provide translations for meetings and documents to be sent home. It is the policy of Marlin ISD to involve the parents in all decisions regarding their child. Parents of students in the ESL programs are invited to be a part of the LPAC for the identification, review and exit of their children. Parents and community members are invited to be a part of the district and campus site-based decision committees. MISD offers evening English as a Second Language (ESL) informational sessions for parents through the Office of Student Services Bulldog Academy Education Program.
For additional information about our program and services, please contact the Office of Academics:
Dr. Sharon Deloach
District Coordinator of School Improvement
Click here to connect with the Texas Education Agency website for more information and videos to support English Language Learners.
About Our Program
The goal of Marlin ISD‘s ESL program is for our English learners to become competent in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the English language. Through the development of literacy and academic skills, English learners will advance in the proficiency levels. Such programs shall emphasize the mastery of English language skills, as well as mathematics, science, and social studies, as integral parts of the academic goals for all students to enable English learners to participate equitably in school.
Please click here to view the Emergent Bilingual ESL Handbook
TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Parent Event (Recording)
Texas Education Agency (TEA) has released a recording from the T3 Parent Event, "Enhancing Educational Support for EB Students" Click the link to view the recording
La Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA) ha publicado una grabación del evento para padres T3, "Mejora el apoyo educativo para los estudiantes de EB". Haga clic en el enlace para ver la grabación
Title III Compliance Spring Activities
I. EB/Immigrant families livebinder review and survey (for Marlin ISD families only)
Code L2Parents (This site is a WIP)
II. EB Literacy Tips for Families. Teaching families how to use Immersive Reader
III. Virtual watch party for EB/immigrant students, families, and the community on May 19th from 9am-11am to join the TEA sponsored Community Focused event.