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Marlin ISD Technology Department

The MISD Technology Department provides the Bulldog Experience by...

  • Providing superior technical support and customer service to ensure that district technology is functional, current and efficient.
  • Providing software and online applications to be utilized effectively by staff, students and families.
  • Providing technology that is fiscally responsible, streamlined, automated and easy to use.
  • Providing existing and emerging technologies.
  • Providing tools to assist in communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.
  • Providing a safe and secure digital and physical environment.

The Marlin ISD Technology Department continues to build and refine our technology infrastructure as we endeavor to meet the technological needs of our students, staff, and community.  Development of technology skills that are infused into the teaching and learning process will help to achieve our district's mission to develop life-long learners and model citizens through the pursuit of academic excellence, individual leadership, and real life experiences.

Tech Support Email:

Technology Staff

alejeune headshot

J Adam LeJeune
Director of Technology
8:00 - 4:30 M-F
Book a 15 minute meeting by clicking here

Tech Support Phone Number
7:30-4:30 M-F