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Required postings

Texas Association of School Administrators Required Postings

  • MISD Administrative Postings to meet Required Postings Provisions
    Notice of School Board Meeting (Government Code, §551.056(a)-(b)): Requires the posting of a meeting notice on the district’s website, if a website is maintained. Marlin ISD posts notices of School Board meetings to the district website in the School Board section of the district website. Link to posted Board Meetings
  • Notice of General Election of School Board Trustees (Tex. Elec. Code § 85.007(d)(1): Requires a notice of General Election to be posted in at least two locations, This posting serves as one of those postings. Link to Notice of General Election Link to Schedule of General Election Link to Notice of Deadline to File an Application for a Place on the Ballot (2021)
  • Agenda for School Board Meeting (Government Code, §551.056): Requires the agenda to be concurrently posted with the meeting notice on the website if the school district maintains a website and contains all or part of the area within the corporate boundaries of a municipality with a population of 48,000 or more. Marlin ISD posts briefs and agendas for School Board meetings to the district website in the School Board section of the district website. Link to Board agendas
  • Texas Academic Performance Report, District Rating (Education Code, §39.362), as amended by HB 3 (81st Legislature)): Requires a school district that maintains a website to post the most recent campus report card for each campus in the district, the information in the most recent performance report, the most recent accreditation status and performance rating of the district, and a definition and explanation of each accreditation status and performance rating. Marlin ISD posts Academic Performance Reports and Accountability Ratings to the district website under the Academics Department - TAPR tab.
  • Targeted Improvement Plan (Education Code, §39.106(e-1)(2), as amended by HB 3 (81st Legislature)): Requires a school district to post on its website, prior to a hearing, the targeted improvement plan a board of trustees will consider. Marlin ISD posts Targeted Improvement Plans and Campus Improvement Plans on an annual basis to the district website under Departments>Academics>Required Postings. Link
  • School Board’s Employment Policies (Education Code, §21.204(d)): Required the posting of the employment policies on the district website. Marlin ISD posts Employment Policies as part of their Board Policy Manual, which is posted in the Board of Managers section of the district website. Link to the Marlin ISD Board Policy Manual: Link to the Marlin ISD Board Policy Manual, Employment Policies section
  • Conflict Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires (Local Government Code, §176.009(a), as amended by HB 1491 (80th Legislature)): Requires access to statements and questionnaires on the website if a school district maintains a website. Marlin ISD posts Conflict Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires on the following section of the District website: Business & Finance Required Postings Page.
  • Vacancy Postings (Education Code, §11.1513(d)(1)(B), as amended by SB 300 (81th Legislature)): Allows at least ten days’ notice of a vacant position requiring a certificate or license to be posted on the district’s website, if the school district maintains a website. Marlin ISD posts vacant positions requiring a certificate or license to the following section of the District website: Departments>Human Resources>Job Listings Tab
  • MISD Financial Postings to meet Required Postings Provisions
    Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas Costs (Government Code, §2264.001(b), as amended by HB 3693 (80th Legislature)): Requires the posting of the metered amounts of electricity, water, and gas consumption for which the district is required to pay and the aggregate amounts of those services. Marlin ISD posts the Electricity, Water and Natural Gas costs for the district under the Required Postings section of the Business & Finance page.
  • Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate (Tax Code, §26.05(b)): Requires a school district to post on its website a statement that indicates that it adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate. Marlin ISD posts Budget and Tax Rate information under the Required Postings section of the Business & Finance page.
  • Summary of Proposed Budget (Education Code, §44.0041, as amended during the 79th Legislature, Third Called Session): Requires a school district to post on the district’s website a summary of the proposed budget if it maintains a website; summary must be concurrently posted with notice of the budget. Marlin ISD posts the Budget Summaries to the Business & Finance section of the district website under the Budget Documents Section.
  • Immunization Awareness (Education Code, §38.019, as amended by HB 1059 (80th Legislature)): Requires a school district that maintains a website to prominently post in English and Spanish the immunizations required for public school, any immunizations or vaccines recommended for public school students, any health clinics that offer the influenza vaccine, and a link to the Department of State Health Services website where a person can learn about the procedures to claim an exemption from the immunization requirements. Marlin ISD posts Immunization Awareness information in both English and Spanish to the Student Health section of the district website.
  • An unauthorized person who trespasses on the grounds of any school district commits an offense. Here is a link to additional criminal trespass information.

Non-Discrimination Statement:

It is the policy of the Marlin Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or age in its employment or in providing education or access to benefits of educational services, activities and programs. The following person is designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:

Norman Jones
Executive Director of Teaching and Learning and Human Resources
678 Success Dr. #B
Marlin, TX 76661